
Clément Romac

Research Scientist / Ph.D. Student
Hugging Face / Inria Bordeaux (France)

About Me

Hi, I’m Clément Romac. After graduating in Computer Science engineering from Ingesup with a Data Science specialisation, while part-time working on Automated Machine Learning in a startup called Weenove, I obtained a MSc. in theoretical Computer Science at the University of Bordeaux (France). Shortly after, I joined the FLOWERS team at Inria Bordeaux as a Research Engineer working on Automatic Curriculum Learning for Deep RL and Automated scientific discovery in complex systems (e.g. self-organizing).

I’m now a Research Scientist at Hugging Face and a second-year PhD student jointly supervised by Pierre-Yves Oudeyer (FLOWERS, Inria) and Thomas Wolf (Hugging Face) studying how autonomous Deep RL agents can leverage Large Language Models. I am also co-animating the Machine Learning Meetup group of Bordeaux.

Research Interests



  1. IMOL Workshop
    Loris Gaven, Clément Romac, Thomas Carta, Sylvain Lamprier, Olivier Sigaud, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
    IMOL Workshop, NeurIPS 2024.

  2. ARLET Workshop
    Quentin Gallouédec, Edward Beeching, Clément Romac, Emmanuel Dellandrea
    ARLET Workshop, ICML 2024.

  3. ICML
    Thomas Carta, Clément Romac, Thomas Wolf, Sylvain Lamprier, Olivier Sigaud, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2023.

  4. ICML
    Clément Romac, Rémy Portelas, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2021.

  5. Rémy Portelas, Clément Romac, Katja Hofmann, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer
    Preprint, 2020


  1. ChatGPT explained in 5 minutes
    A series of short videos explaining Large Language Models.

  2. Lamorel
    Lamorel is a Python library designed for RL practitioners eager to use Large Language Models (LLMs).

  3. Automated Discovery Tool
    A software for assisted and automated discovery of patterns in the exploration of complex systems.

  4. Interactive Deep RL Demo
    In-browser interactive demo of Deep Reinforcement Learning agents' adaptation to unknown 2D tasks.

Other stuff

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